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Delivering a superior product & service at competitive rates.








Why are your gates safer?

A: State and federal O,H & S legislation codifies: The safe lifting limit of a gate for a fit person, in a well lit area, free of clutter, who has received the appropriate training is 25kgs. The difficulty with the old style metal gates is it is impossible for a person to safely lift these items. In the event there are two or maybe four people lifting the old style gate, the problem is one person lifting is likely to be exposed to more than the 25kgs. We all know from lifting, say a bed up a stairwell, that the weight is unevenly distributed.

Back injuries are the most common form of injuries in construction, and cause the greatest cost. Our lightweight innovative gates reduce the prospect of back injuries, create a bright and modern work place, and can be deployed quicker, thereby reducing operational costs.

Are there any other safety factors?

A: Yes. Our gates do not conduct electricity and do not cause finger injuries from the side gates swinging shut during moving of the gates. Our gates also provide greater visibility in the work place due to the safety yellow colour.

How do your gates reduce costs?

A: The lightweight gates can be carried on the back of a Ute, unloaded by hand, and delivered to the lift shaft by an Allymac. In comparison, the heavier metal gates often require the use of a truck to site, a forklift to unload and a crane to lift. The lightweight gates can be removed quickly and relocated efficiently with only two people. As gates are a significant operational cost, the timely delivery, quick installation and ease of use result in operational efficiencies and lower costs.

What are the gates made out of?

A: The material is UV resistant ABS from an Australian company. The thermoformed material we use is 3.0mm thick. The doors are braced by an aluminium angle of 25mm by 25mm x 1.6mm. This forms a door that is impossible to accidentally break. The thermoformed material tends to kick back if somebody kicks in.

How strong are the gates?

A: On 145 Ann Street, Brisbane we installed a gate for Kone Elevators, on a building being built by Theiss. A forklift reversed at speed into the gate. The aluminium 75mm by 25mm boxed frame was distorted by the force, however the gate remained operational and functional at all times.

Are the Gates fire resistant?

A: No. However, a fire retardant can be applied. In our experience, there is no requirement for a fire rating as many items used in construction do not have a rating.

Do you install the gates?

A: Yes. It is our preference to install and service all gates.

How much do they cost?

A: We will send you a proposal once we understand your requirements, so that we can seek to lower your costs as much as possible .

Are they available in other colours and sizes?

A: Yes.  We are the manufacturer, so we can make any size that you require. We can also do other colours, but this does carry an extra cost. We prefer yellow due to its high visibility.

What other advantages are there over the old gates?

A: Our innovative gates look modern and professional, thereby enhancing the reputation of the lift / construction company.

Are your gates compliant with Australian Standards?

A: Yes our gates follow the lift Well Australian Standards, we have also conducted Impact force test to test structural strength which they  passed with flying colours.  They are also highly visible and the weight is very light as to overcome OH&S lifting limits.

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